TTL Calculator
February, 2020:
I was particularly impressed with the way the Wang 360 worked - especially the way it multiplies and divides using logarithms instead of repeated addition.
I wanted to build a similar calculator 'from scratch' - using logic chips only (no calculator chips allowed).
September, 2020:
Settled on a design:
8-digit display​
positive integers only​
0-9 keyboard
two internal 8-digit registers
"accumulator" for addition and subtraction​
"log accumulator" for multiplication and division
function keys:
"+" add to accumulator and display result​
"-" subtract from accumulator and display results
"x" multiply into log accumulator (add log of display to log accumulator)
"÷" divide into log accumulator (subtract log of display from log accumulator)
"Clr" clear the accumulator
"Disp" show the anti-log of the log accumulator (clears log accumulator)
based on AM2901 ALU and AM2910 sequence controller
microcode ROM modeled with Teensy 3.2 (it's easier to re-program than EPROMS)
the remainder are 74LSxx TTL chips
mixture of custom PC board and wire-wrap
June 2021:
Finally all assembled and working:

A close-up of the CPU board:

Close-up of display board:
Here it is in action:
The steps are:
key in 25+ (adds 25 to accumulator)
key on 45+ (adds 35 to accumulator)
accumulator is displayed: 70
key in 33- (subtracts 33 from accumulator)
accumulator is displayed: 37
key in 256x (calculates log(256) and adds to log accumulator)
key in 256x (calculates log(256) and adds to log accumulator)
Disp - displays anti-log of log accumulator (65536)
then calculate 7894 x 562 to give 4436422 (real answer is 4436428 - close!)